Monday, 12 August 2002

009. Episode 4066

Harold talks to Rosie about Nina’s singing, saying that she has the voice of an angel. Rosie wants to recruit her for the choir, but Harold reminds her that Nina is painfully shy and suggests a softly-softly approach.
Before school, Nina comes to see Michelle at the Scully’s and asks how she is. Michelle says she is still living on ice cream and jelly. Nina offers to talk to the teachers and bring back any schoolwork for Michelle at lunchtime. Michelle thanks her and says she needs a chat.
Later, Nina and Michelle are talking about Tahnee’s lies. Nina tells Michelle not to be ashamed of giving Tahnee the benefit of the doubt. Michelle is upset at not having listened to Connor, who never trusted Tahnee, and complains about Connor not telling her that he had problems with reading. Nina reassures Michelle that Connor loves her so much that he wasn’t willing to risk it. Michelle thanks Nina and tells her that she’s a real mate.
At the Coffee Shop, Rosie bumps into Nina and tells her that Harold says she sings like a nightingale. Nina says she doesn’t really sing very well, but Rosie insists that she join the choir. Nina continues to put herself down, but Rosie tells her that Harold doesn’t exaggerate. Rosie still tries to sell the idea to Nina, saying she might really enjoy it in the end. However, Nina maintains that she can’t and that she’d die if she had to. Then, Nina’s phone rings and she answers it to Connor, who asks her about Michelle. Nina tells him that Michelle is devastated, misses him and wants him to come home, but Connor says he can’t. He tells Nina that he’s picking apples in an orchard but won’t tell her where it is.
Nina comes to see Michelle at the Scully’s again to tell her about Connor’s phonecall. Nina tells her that he’s fine and misses Michelle, but Michelle is upset that he didn’t say where he was. Nina says she did some research and found some likely orchards where he could be. Michelle says Nina is the best friend, before they try calling one of the places.

Friday, 9 August 2002

008. Episodes 4064-4065

The choir are preparing at Harold’s house for a performance. Lou asks Nina to handle the smocks and sheet music. Tahnee complains to Rosie about the smocks, which Nina has designed. Nina asks Summer whether she’s coming and says she could be Nina’s assistant. Summer says she’s too sick, so Boyd will have to look after her. Summer doesn’t like the idea of anyone looking after her, so Nina suggests that Summer help Boyd with his English homework. Lou hurries everyone out, but Nina leaves the sheet music on the table.
Before the choir performance, Rosie asks where the sheet music is. Nina looks to Lou for help, and Lou takes the blame. Rosie starts telling Lou off, while Nina seems anxious. The choir will have to sing Amazing Grace because it’s a song they all know. Rosie leads them out singing, as Nina apologises to Lou.
Nina returns to Harold’s back from the performance, where Summer is waiting. She asks Nina whether she sung, but Nina says she couldn’t sing in public. Summer tells Nina how she used to sing all the time, but is now too sick to join the choir. Rosie and Lou enter, still arguing about the sheet music. Nina gets the courage to tell Rosie that it was her fault and apologises before leaving upset.
Later, Nina visits the Scully’s with flowers to give to Michelle. Lyn says Nina should take the flowers herself, but Nina says she doesn’t want to intrude. Before Nina leaves, Lyn compliments the highlights in Nina’s hair, but Nina only thanks her uneasily.
At The Coffee Shop, Harold gets off the phone from his cleaner who can’t make it tonight. Lyn complains about apprentices she has at the hair salon as well. Summer is looking at Nina’s drawings, which Nina quickly takes back, before Summer tells Harold she’s going outside. Harold gives Nina her coffee, and after a while, Nina offers to clean for Harold. Harold wonders whether Nina wants to spend her night off with her friends, but Nina needs the money and doesn’t mind. Lyn notices Nina’s costume designs for the choir and asks to look. Lyn tells Nina that she draws really well, and Harold also compliments the work she does for the choir. However, Nina feels uncomfortable with the two of them trying to make her feel special, and says she’s likes just being ordinary.
Nina is drinking her coffee outside the Coffee Shop, as Lyn comes out to see if she’s feeling alright. Lyn apologises for upsetting Nina, and Nina tells Lyn that she hates it when people pay her compliments that aren’t true. Lyn insists that it is true and asks Nina why she is so hard on herself. Lyn continues to make Nina feel better about herself, but Nina says she feels uncomfortable when people notices her and she likes being in the background.
While sweeping in the Coffee Shop, Nina sings Amazing Grace to herself. Harold walks in and is amazed by what he hears. He closes the door and Nina quickly stops singing. Harold apologises for frightening her before telling her what a beautiful voice she has. He asks why she didn’t tell him she could sing and says that she would be the most wonderful asset to the choir. Nina is still very uncomfortable and quickly goes to the kitchen, leaving an astonished Harold.

Thursday, 1 August 2002

007. Episodes 4058-4059

Lyn is practising singing Australian hymns at the Coffee Shop with Tahnee and Nina. She tells Nina to give it a go, but Nina says that someone has to make the coffee. Tahnee starts to leave when Michelle enters, but then Tahnee’s phone rings so she goes to answer it. Meanwhile, Lyn receives her food and goes home with Michelle for dinner. After Tahnee finishes her phonecall, Nina asks Tahnee for money she owes for Nina’s book. Tahnee says that she’ll get Nina a new copy, but Nina demands for the money now.
The next day at the Coffee Shop, Nina meets with Michelle, Connor and Tahnee. Michelle invites Tahnee for lunch, but Tahnee says she has homework to do. Nina asks Tahnee why she doesn’t tell anybody about singing in the choir, however, Tahnee just leaves, annoyed. Michelle then invites Nina to join her and Connor at the table.
Nina and Michelle are having lunch at school, but when Nina opens her lunchbox, she gets a surprise jumping out at her, as Tahnee walks in. Tahnee comments at Nina’s mum’s weird idea of fun, something Nina’s parents have in common. Michelle complains about her lunch, which takes Lyn two seconds to make up, before Tahnee notices a piece of paper in Michelle’s lunchbox.
Nina walks into Lassiter’s hotel and straight behind reception, where Toadie is currently working. Nina explains to Toadie that she is one of the housemaids and they introduce themselves to each other. Toadie finds it odd that someone as young as Nina wants to be a housemaid, but Nina says she likes it because it gives her time to think. Lou arrives, wanting to talk to Toadie, as Nina notices that they want privacy and leaves to get coffee.
At the Coffee Shop, Nina is with Tahnee and Harold, who is advising Tahnee about looking after her singing voice. Harold comments that being able to sing is a special gift, before being distracted by Lou. Tahnee tells Nina to stop talking about the choir, as Michelle arrives looking for Tahnee, needing help about Connor. Nina tells Michelle about her new job, saying she’s just a housemaid. Harold tells Nina not to put herself down, and then reveals Tahnee’s involvement in the choir. Lou gives Harold another distraction, then Nina leaves for work.
Joe and Lyn are in a room in Lassiter’s hotel, as Nina knocks on the door to deliver a package for the couple. Lyn seems very embarrassed and Joe quickly gives Nina some money. Nina says she is not supposed to accept money, but Joe insists.
Later, Nina is in Joe and Lyn’s hotel room, putting roses on the bed. Joe thanks her and Lyn says goodbye, and she leaves after turning the light off.

Thursday, 25 July 2002

006. Episode 4054

Everyone watches Tahnee sing Amazing Grace, while Nina mouths the words happily. After Tahnee has finished, Nina goes over to compliment her, but Tahnee warns Nina not to tell anybody. Tahnee thinks that the church group choir is lame and walks away angrily.
Lyn is talking to Michelle about inviting Tahnee over to dinner and then suggests inviting Nina as well.
At school, Miss Buckley asks to hear Nina’s work, but Nina has not done it because she did not know about it. Nina can hand her assignment in by the end of next week, but will not be able to present it to the class, which pleases Nina.
Later on, Nina asks Tahnee for her James Joyce book back, but Tahnee has given it to Michelle. Nina says Tahnee will have to give it back or replace it, or she will tell everyone that Tahnee is in the choir. Tahnee says she will get Nina another copy if Nina leaves her alone.

Wednesday, 24 July 2002

005. Episode 4053

Michelle, Connor and Tahnee are in the Coffee Shop talking, as Nina walks in. Tahnee ignores her and continues talking to Michelle about the German film festival. Connor wants to go, but Tahnee has convinced Michelle to watch the German film. Michelle invites Nina to join them, but Connor does not seem interested in watching a film with subtitles.
At school the next day, Nina, Michelle and Tahnee are complaining about their algebra teacher. Nina makes a comment about one of her old teachers and Tahnee jokes that Nina can actually talk. Connor approaches the girls and they all discuss the film they watched. Tahnee thinks foreign films are hard to understand, asking Connor if he had any problems, but he makes an intelligent comment. Michelle gives Tahnee some lavender pillow spray for Tahnee’s mum, before leaving to go to biology class with Nina.
Nina enters the Coffee Shop and meets Rosie Hoyland, who is with Michelle and Lyn. Nina apologises about the hair show, and Lyn invites Nina to have dinner sometime. Lyn then suggests that Nina should join the choir, but Nina says that she couldn’t sing in a choir. Rosie encourages Nina to join as well as Lyn, but Harold remarks that maybe it isn’t for Lyn. Rosie says that she has already found one girl with the voice of an angel and that they will be rehearsing at the school. Lyn tries to get Michelle to join as well, and Rosie insists that they all should try. Rosie leaves and then Nina joins Lyn and Michelle for hot chocolate. While Nina and Michelle sit down, Tahnee walks in snatching the advert for the choir off the two girls, making a negative comment about the choir.
The choir are rehearsing at the school, as Rosie spots Nina and says how glad she is that Nina has decided to join. However, Nina just wants to help behind the scenes and doesn’t want to sing. Nina sits down with Harold to watch the rehearsals, as Lyn begins to sing.
Later on, everyone watches Tahnee, the choir’s main soloist, sing Amazing Grace. While she sings, Nina mouths the words with a smile on her face.

Thursday, 18 July 2002

004. Episodes 4048-4049

Nina is at school reading a book by an Irish author named James Joyce, in which Tahnee feigns an interest. Nina makes a remark about how the book may be out of Tahnee’s league, so Tahnee snatches the book off her.
Later on, Nina tries to get her book back from Tahnee, who refuses. As Nina walks into the classroom wondering where to sit, Michelle offers Nina to sit next to her. Nina apologises about her behaviour last week at the lake to an understanding Michelle. Meanwhile, a couple of schoolboys throw paper at Boyd and Tahnee makes fun of him. A new boy, who is friends with Boyd, walks in and attracts Tahnee’s attention.
Nina and Michelle are walking down the corridor, as Michelle asks if Nina wants to join her and Tahnee for coffee, but Nina says she is busy. Afterwards, Nina looks at a poster advertising for singers for the Erinsborough Angels choir. Boyd and Saxon walk up to her prompting Nina to quickly run away. Boyd talks to Saxon about Nina, mentioning that people think she is a freak because she never talks, but Boyd thinks she’s cool.
At the Scully’s, Lyn is trying to find an extra model for her hairdressing show. Michelle tells Lyn about the new girl in her class who is really pretty and who might be willing to be a model.
At the hairdressing show, Lyn is demonstrating a hairstyle on Michelle, while Nina and Tahnee stand and watch. After Lyn has finished with Michelle, she joins the girls and Tahnee remarks how amazing Michelle looks. It’s time for the next model and Lyn calls Nina up. Nina is reluctant, but eventually sits down in the hairdressing seat. Before Lyn has a chance to do anything, Nina changes her mind and leaves abruptly, saying that she isn’t feeling well.
Back at school, Nina spots Michelle and Tahnee approaching and quickly walks away. The two girls are talking about how Nina left Lyn in the lurch. Tahnee says Nina has issues, but Michelle thinks she’s okay. Connor and Joe walk up to them, and Joe asks Michelle where “Nona” is. Michelle says that Nina lost her nerve and left, to which Lyn did not take very well. Meanwhile, Nina is hiding inside the classroom listening to their conversation.

Tuesday, 9 July 2002

003. Episode 4042

Connor and Boyd are talking in the park, as Connor spots Nina sitting down on a bench to read a book and explains to Boyd who she is. Boyd makes a comment about Nina being a bookworm, even though he himself is one. Connor and Boyd soon leave and walk up to Nina.
Later, Connor and Boyd bring Nina to the Coffee Shop, as Nina and Boyd discuss Crime & Punishment and Connor asks her how she’s settling in. Whilst Connor goes to get everyone coffee, Nina leaves for a while and returns to find Tahnee talking to Connor. Tahnee makes a comment about Nina’s outfit before leaving.

Monday, 8 July 2002

002. Episode 4041

Back from her holiday, Nina is in the Coffee Shop, reading a book about China. Harold Bishop approaches Nina and starts talking to her. They introduce themselves to each other before Nina leaves.
Connor and Michelle are having a barbecue in the park, as Michelle spots Nina walking to the bandstand. Connor suggests that Michelle say hello to her, but Michelle wonders whether Nina is shy or just rude. Connor tells Michelle that Nina may be lonely, and that Michelle should talk to her.
Michelle walks up to Nina, who is reading a book, and starts trying to talk to her. Michelle asks Nina many questions, but Nina is more interested in her book. Michelle says she is just trying to be friendly, however, Nina clearly does not want anyone to talk to her. Defeated, Michelle leaves and complains to Connor about Nina, who also leaves in a hurry.

Tuesday, 11 June 2002

001. Episode 4022

A new student, Nina Tucker, arrives in Erinsborough and enrolls in the local high school, Erinsborough High. She makes her entrance walking down the stairs, unsure of her new surroundings. She sees another student, Tahnee Coppin, bump into Connor O’Neill, and they introduce themselves to each other. Nina sees Michelle Scully walking by, and asks her for directions to the principal’s office.
Later, the high school principal, Susan Kennedy, shows Nina around the school and talks to her. Nina tells Susan that she is going on holiday to China with her parents, but doesn’t show much enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Tahnee rushes into a classroom telling other students that there are guys posing for topless photos outside.
Nina is in a classroom with Tahnee and Michelle, as Michelle talks to Nina. Nina tells Michelle that she’s starting school in a month after her holiday to China, which interests Michelle because she has never been overseas before. Michelle mentions that she’d like to go to Ireland to see Connor’s parents, as Tahnee interrupts the conversation and sends Nina away.
Nina is reading a book in the Coffee Shop, as Michelle enters and apologises about Tahnee. Michelle tries to make conversation with Nina, but Nina does not make much of an effort. Nina soon leaves quickly after Michelle suggests having a chat over coffee.