Thursday, 1 August 2002

007. Episodes 4058-4059

Lyn is practising singing Australian hymns at the Coffee Shop with Tahnee and Nina. She tells Nina to give it a go, but Nina says that someone has to make the coffee. Tahnee starts to leave when Michelle enters, but then Tahnee’s phone rings so she goes to answer it. Meanwhile, Lyn receives her food and goes home with Michelle for dinner. After Tahnee finishes her phonecall, Nina asks Tahnee for money she owes for Nina’s book. Tahnee says that she’ll get Nina a new copy, but Nina demands for the money now.
The next day at the Coffee Shop, Nina meets with Michelle, Connor and Tahnee. Michelle invites Tahnee for lunch, but Tahnee says she has homework to do. Nina asks Tahnee why she doesn’t tell anybody about singing in the choir, however, Tahnee just leaves, annoyed. Michelle then invites Nina to join her and Connor at the table.
Nina and Michelle are having lunch at school, but when Nina opens her lunchbox, she gets a surprise jumping out at her, as Tahnee walks in. Tahnee comments at Nina’s mum’s weird idea of fun, something Nina’s parents have in common. Michelle complains about her lunch, which takes Lyn two seconds to make up, before Tahnee notices a piece of paper in Michelle’s lunchbox.
Nina walks into Lassiter’s hotel and straight behind reception, where Toadie is currently working. Nina explains to Toadie that she is one of the housemaids and they introduce themselves to each other. Toadie finds it odd that someone as young as Nina wants to be a housemaid, but Nina says she likes it because it gives her time to think. Lou arrives, wanting to talk to Toadie, as Nina notices that they want privacy and leaves to get coffee.
At the Coffee Shop, Nina is with Tahnee and Harold, who is advising Tahnee about looking after her singing voice. Harold comments that being able to sing is a special gift, before being distracted by Lou. Tahnee tells Nina to stop talking about the choir, as Michelle arrives looking for Tahnee, needing help about Connor. Nina tells Michelle about her new job, saying she’s just a housemaid. Harold tells Nina not to put herself down, and then reveals Tahnee’s involvement in the choir. Lou gives Harold another distraction, then Nina leaves for work.
Joe and Lyn are in a room in Lassiter’s hotel, as Nina knocks on the door to deliver a package for the couple. Lyn seems very embarrassed and Joe quickly gives Nina some money. Nina says she is not supposed to accept money, but Joe insists.
Later, Nina is in Joe and Lyn’s hotel room, putting roses on the bed. Joe thanks her and Lyn says goodbye, and she leaves after turning the light off.

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