Friday, 9 August 2002

008. Episodes 4064-4065

The choir are preparing at Harold’s house for a performance. Lou asks Nina to handle the smocks and sheet music. Tahnee complains to Rosie about the smocks, which Nina has designed. Nina asks Summer whether she’s coming and says she could be Nina’s assistant. Summer says she’s too sick, so Boyd will have to look after her. Summer doesn’t like the idea of anyone looking after her, so Nina suggests that Summer help Boyd with his English homework. Lou hurries everyone out, but Nina leaves the sheet music on the table.
Before the choir performance, Rosie asks where the sheet music is. Nina looks to Lou for help, and Lou takes the blame. Rosie starts telling Lou off, while Nina seems anxious. The choir will have to sing Amazing Grace because it’s a song they all know. Rosie leads them out singing, as Nina apologises to Lou.
Nina returns to Harold’s back from the performance, where Summer is waiting. She asks Nina whether she sung, but Nina says she couldn’t sing in public. Summer tells Nina how she used to sing all the time, but is now too sick to join the choir. Rosie and Lou enter, still arguing about the sheet music. Nina gets the courage to tell Rosie that it was her fault and apologises before leaving upset.
Later, Nina visits the Scully’s with flowers to give to Michelle. Lyn says Nina should take the flowers herself, but Nina says she doesn’t want to intrude. Before Nina leaves, Lyn compliments the highlights in Nina’s hair, but Nina only thanks her uneasily.
At The Coffee Shop, Harold gets off the phone from his cleaner who can’t make it tonight. Lyn complains about apprentices she has at the hair salon as well. Summer is looking at Nina’s drawings, which Nina quickly takes back, before Summer tells Harold she’s going outside. Harold gives Nina her coffee, and after a while, Nina offers to clean for Harold. Harold wonders whether Nina wants to spend her night off with her friends, but Nina needs the money and doesn’t mind. Lyn notices Nina’s costume designs for the choir and asks to look. Lyn tells Nina that she draws really well, and Harold also compliments the work she does for the choir. However, Nina feels uncomfortable with the two of them trying to make her feel special, and says she’s likes just being ordinary.
Nina is drinking her coffee outside the Coffee Shop, as Lyn comes out to see if she’s feeling alright. Lyn apologises for upsetting Nina, and Nina tells Lyn that she hates it when people pay her compliments that aren’t true. Lyn insists that it is true and asks Nina why she is so hard on herself. Lyn continues to make Nina feel better about herself, but Nina says she feels uncomfortable when people notices her and she likes being in the background.
While sweeping in the Coffee Shop, Nina sings Amazing Grace to herself. Harold walks in and is amazed by what he hears. He closes the door and Nina quickly stops singing. Harold apologises for frightening her before telling her what a beautiful voice she has. He asks why she didn’t tell him she could sing and says that she would be the most wonderful asset to the choir. Nina is still very uncomfortable and quickly goes to the kitchen, leaving an astonished Harold.

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