Tuesday, 11 June 2002

001. Episode 4022

A new student, Nina Tucker, arrives in Erinsborough and enrolls in the local high school, Erinsborough High. She makes her entrance walking down the stairs, unsure of her new surroundings. She sees another student, Tahnee Coppin, bump into Connor O’Neill, and they introduce themselves to each other. Nina sees Michelle Scully walking by, and asks her for directions to the principal’s office.
Later, the high school principal, Susan Kennedy, shows Nina around the school and talks to her. Nina tells Susan that she is going on holiday to China with her parents, but doesn’t show much enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Tahnee rushes into a classroom telling other students that there are guys posing for topless photos outside.
Nina is in a classroom with Tahnee and Michelle, as Michelle talks to Nina. Nina tells Michelle that she’s starting school in a month after her holiday to China, which interests Michelle because she has never been overseas before. Michelle mentions that she’d like to go to Ireland to see Connor’s parents, as Tahnee interrupts the conversation and sends Nina away.
Nina is reading a book in the Coffee Shop, as Michelle enters and apologises about Tahnee. Michelle tries to make conversation with Nina, but Nina does not make much of an effort. Nina soon leaves quickly after Michelle suggests having a chat over coffee.

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